Treating toe fungus is possible using several treatment options, including home remedies, over-the-counter medicines, and surgery. In this article, we will discuss the options available for preventing toe fungus, identifying the symptoms, and using a home remedy. We also discuss surgical options, as well as other treatments for toenail fungus. Whether you decide to go this route is up to you, but here are some things to keep in mind.
Home remedies for toenail fungus
Treatment for toenail fungus may involve using topical or oral anti-fungal medications. However, these medications are not always effective, and many can cause unpleasant side effects, including skin rashes, irritated stomach and toxicity to the liver. Moreover, these prescription drugs can take months to a year to clear the infection. Consequently, these home remedies can only cure the problem temporarily.
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, has significant antifungal effects. In fact, it has been shown to inhibit 80 percent of fungal isolates in a study. You can also make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it directly to the affected toenail. Repeat this process three or four times a day to see results. Another home remedy for toenail fungus is to sprinkle baking soda on your feet and/or in your shoes. Baking soda wicks away moisture and has healing effects.
Another home remedy for toenail fungus includes applying turmeric paste. Turmeric has strong anti-fungal properties. You should apply a thick paste to the affected toenail daily for several days. Applying turmeric also has many health benefits, including reducing inflammation. A thick paste can also be used to treat toenail fungus. If the above home remedies are not effective, try Zeta Clear, a product containing all-natural ingredients to cure the condition.
Olive leaf extract has many medicinal benefits. It contains oleuropein, which is a natural antifungal and antimicrobial. You can also apply an olive leaf salve directly to the infected toenail. Or you can also take olive leaf extract capsules to increase your immune system and fight off toenail fungus systemically. Take two capsules twice daily for a period of time to see positive results.
Vinegar foot soaks may be an effective home remedy for toenail fungus, although there is no concrete evidence that it works. However, if the infection is severe, you should seek medical attention. Typically, doctors prescribe medication that may be more effective. This can include tablets and nail paints. For severe cases, a doctor may suggest an antifungal medication. Although it can be effective, it is also more expensive and not guaranteed to cure the infection.
Another popular home remedy for toenail fungus is tea tree oil. This essential oil contains thymol, an antifungal and antibacterial compound. When applied directly to the affected nail, it can work as effectively as the prescription medicine ciclopirox. One study also showed that tea tree oil worked for 60 percent of patients. However, there is a potential risk of allergic reactions to tea tree oil and other essential oils.
Garlic is another common home remedy for toenail fungus. Garlic contains two compounds that have strong antifungal properties. Mix a tablespoon of garlic oil with white vinegar and apply to the affected area daily. Repeat this process daily until the infection is gone. You can also prevent future fungus infections by eating garlic regularly. This home remedy is not a cure for toenail fungus, but it will help your feet heal faster.
Over-the-counter treatments
If you're interested in over-the-counter treatments for toe ailment, you'll find plenty of options. Some of these remedies, such as Vicks VapoRub, can reduce the severity of your fungal nail infection. While some may not work, others are highly effective for treating this problem. Some of these medicines contain a high amount of zinc oxide, which is found in many over-the-counter toe fungus treatments.
Another popular option is Itraconazole, which is often prescribed in pulse doses. Itraconazole is an antibiotic used to treat onychomycosis. This medication works by inhibiting the growth of the fungus, but is highly toxic to the liver. Fluconazole is another common prescription for this condition, but its side effects are generally mild and do not require a doctor's appointment.
Over-the-counter medications can also help cure your toenail fungus. Some come in cream or medication nail polish. For creams, you should soak your toe in water for a few minutes before applying the medication. The cream or medicated nail polish should be applied in layers over the course of a week, and then wiped clean to maintain the treatment. While OTC medications are convenient, they may not be effective for serious cases of toenail fungus.
Besides toenail fungus, you can also develop the infection in other parts of your body. This condition is called distal subungual onychomycosis. It starts in the end of your toenail and spreads upward toward the cuticle. The fungus also causes your toenails to become thick and flaky. The treatment is based on the type of toenail infection and the risk factors for getting the disease.
Topical treatments work best when combined with medical treatment for toenail fungus. Oral drugs, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanox), can clear your infection much faster than topical medications. However, they are expensive and may not be covered by insurance. Some physicians nationwide offer this treatment, so it's not likely to be popular in the near future.
Home remedies are another option, though they're unlikely to kill the fungus. Some people apply oils to their nails, but the effectiveness of home remedies is debatable. One popular home remedy is vinegar or baking soda paste, which may contain bacteria and fungi. Another popular treatment is a topical urea cream. Using it regularly can soften the nails, but there's no guarantee it will solve the problem.
Surgical procedures for toe fungus are often needed if the fungus has spread beyond the nail plate. Surgical procedures generally require two injections at the base of the toe. These injections numb the toe. Although there will be pressure during the operation, local anaesthesia only blocks pain and discomfort. You can walk, shower, and eat the day of the surgery, and you can return to work the next day. The area around the nail will be sore, and you may have swelling and bleeding. During the healing process, you must wear socks and shoes that don't put pressure on the wound.
Some patients can treat their infection with topical ointments, such as neosporin, before surgery. Another option is to remove the entire nail. This process may not cure the fungus, but it will remove the problem and allow a healthy nail to grow back. It's important to note that you should never attempt to do “bathroom surgery” yourself. If you attempt to remove the toenail by yourself, you run the risk of damaging the healthy tissue underneath.
Laser therapy has FDA approval and has a high success rate. Laser treatment targets the fungi by passing a beam of light through the affected nail. This produces heat and kills the organisms that cause the toenail fungus. Laser treatments are safe and require no side effects, though the results won't be immediate. However, two to three treatments may be required before the nail starts to grow back normally.
Surgical treatment for toe fungus involves the removal of the affected nail plate and nail matrix. The fungus will cause the nail to become thicker, distorted, or yellow. Oftentimes, foul-smelling debris will also form under the nail plate. The thickened nail can cause pain. If left untreated, debris may build up and cause an ingrown nail or a bacterial infection. Filing down the nail plate can reduce pain but won't prevent the infection from spreading.
The best toenail fungus treatment depends on your specific condition and symptoms. Topical treatments can help suppress the symptoms of toenail fungus. Oral medications are a good option as they contain ingredients that are effective against toenail fungi. Topical medications are a temporary fix, but aren't a permanent solution. The full results won't be seen until the nail grows back completely. This process can take up to four months.
Neuroma removal is another option for toe fungus. A neuroma is an inflamed, yellow area. If the symptoms aren't relieved by conservative treatments, a podiatric physician can recommend surgical treatment. However, some patients require the removal of the infected nail and surrounding tissues. A surgical procedure will only be recommended if the symptoms are severe. To learn more about surgical treatment for toe fungus, contact a podiatrist today.
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